LIC 関連ツイート
@akastna ありがとう…老害はご遠慮してほしいね😭綺麗にふっとんだ缶バッジ以外は大丈夫です!笑
@lic_41ssk 2019/02/23 12:59
@akiho_lic 2019/02/23 14:32
@taketokinoko わ、ありがとうございます!
帰宅したら早速試してみます。@Yugiri_lic 2019/02/23 07:25
<p>Delay- and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are networks subject to arbitrarily long-lived disruptions in connectivity and therefore cannot guarantee end-to-end connectivity at all times. Consequently DTNs called for novel core networking protocols since most existing Internet protocols rely on the network’s ability to maintain end-to-end communication between participating nodes. This book presents the fundamental principles that underline DTNs. It explains the state-of-the-art on DTNs, their architecture, protocols, and applications. It also explores DTN’s future technological trends and applications. Its main goal is to serve as a reference for researchers and practitioners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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@akastna ありがとう…老害はご遠慮してほしいね😭綺麗にふっとんだ缶バッジ以外は大丈夫です!笑
@lic_41ssk 2019/02/23 12:59
@akiho_lic 2019/02/23 14:32
@taketokinoko わ、ありがとうございます!
帰宅したら早速試してみます。@Yugiri_lic 2019/02/23 07:25